Daddy John is an active member of the Chicago, regional and national puppy and handler community/leather community and AB/DL community.  As an advocate for unity amongst fetishes and active in the fetish community since 1989, his largest current focus is advocating for suicide prevention and awareness within the kink community. He has facilitated many pup, trainer/handler, Little and AB/DL seminars as well as seminars on mental health safety and head space. 

A member of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and co-founder of the Inter-Fetish Coalition of Suicide Prevention and Awareness (IFCSPA) he has organized fundraisers and raised thousands of dollars towards this cause. 

Daddy John was the first Great Lakes Trainer title holder and held the title for 2 years (2016 & 2017). He currently is co-owner of Midwest Puppy/Midwest Puppy and Handler.  He is a member of Rainbow pups and Furs, Puddle Scouts Chicago, International Puppy Club, Chicago Area Gear Enthusiast, Chicago Age Players, Chicago AB/DL’s, Titans of the Midwest, Clooless’s Sanctuary for Wayward Boys and Great Lakes Bears. 

In the Puppy community he is recognized as an Owner, Handler and Trainer.

Daddy John enjoys spending time with his pup and partner, Hel and is an avid gamer and loves to cook.